Tuesday 21 October 2014

El Mini-Mysterico..

Oh, what is this?

It's my new project; 

Is Ultra-Top-Sekret, so I may only show you this small and uninformative portion of the virtual-stitches chart, for now.

There should be more info as soon as my needle-embargo has been lifted.  And as soon as the darn' thing is finished!

In the meantime, be impressed by Mexican Wrestler El Santo's effortless powder blue polo-neck cool:

[Sadly, Blue Demon's tie clashes HORRIBLY with his mask; you know you're not a main eventer when you get stuck with the drip-dry polyester lemon shirt and lapels-ahoy brown jacket]

Thursday 2 October 2014

To assist me with my 'busy' 'lifestyle', I have employed an assistant:

This is Lucille; she will be dealing with various vital administrative tasks such as: chasing moths, staring at the wall, and sleeping on my pattern pieces.  

I've also taken advantage of her extensive experience at having a fight with bubble-wrap, and running away from the postman, to put her in charge of the Impostor's Needle post and packing department; she will be dealing with all despatch and delivery queries and processes, with the exception of actually posting anything (since she's not allowed out to go to the postbox, and most parcels are too heavy for her anyway) and wrapping parcels (as the sellotape tends to get fuzzed up with paw fur).