Thursday 23 September 2010

Took the leap...

...and added things to my Folksy shop:

yes, okay, slightly understocked just now, but I've been busy...and there's been work...and stuff...and...I'm idle and disorganised *hangs head in shame*

Surely I'm not the only person who finds the making-of-it part MUCH more fun than the working-out-what-to-do-with-it-then part of crafting?

Actually, it was going to be 'Impostor's Workshop', to reflect all my non-needly creative impulses, but since the spouse and I are crowded into a three-room flat with his books, my books, his books, my dvds, his books, and my craft supplies, 'Impostor's Workshop' would more accurately be described as 'Impostor's lap, the sofa, the living room floor, and occasionally spilling over on to the small part of the coffee table that isn't covered with books and back issues of The Economist'; which I'm assuming would be bad for searching, or SEO, or something.

Never has a grown woman more urgently required a garden shed...

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