Sunday 3 July 2011

Project Bleeding Coin

I started a new project.

"He's not fat. He's only large"

I've been working on it for a month, and so far I have done...about 20%

*whimper* SO far to go...

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Captain Howdy says 'Howdy!'

Well...since this post contains SUPER SCARY IMAGE... It is below the fold, for the easily-skeered.

Scroll downdowndown to see my newest completed project (designed to discourage people from sitting next to me on the train to and from the Stitch and Craft show the other week)...

Boo! Ooh, she is even scarier than French knots in three strands of metallic, no?

DMC threads on 14-count black(my eyes! my eyes!) aida; this is the 'subliminal' face from the film The Exorcist. (more info here:

The original chart was photo'd from a capture of the image [thank you Beloved Spouse!] of the cover of Mark Kermode's BFI Modern Classics on The Exorcist; indispensible for anyone interested in that odd, odd film. Seriously; Kermode has forgotten more about The Exorcist than even William Friedkin ever knew. I'm so pleased that she didn't turn into the Misfits/Crimson Skull logo that she looked like before I finished the eyes. Also, the colour scheme is a lot less yellow than my cheap digital camera's flash makes it appear.

So, now I have the taste for photo charts, what next? Maybe some sweet sweet Dawn of the Dead; because sewing on black aida is like childbirth: eventually you forget about the pain...