Thursday 25 June 2009

I WISH this was one of mine...

...Almost as much as I wish I'd bought that cross-stitched Nosferatu poster from Etsy last year.

Yes, it does cheat a little...but I like the unstitched canvas effect near the 'needle', and I <3 the satin-stitch effect title.


Monday 22 June 2009

Delia's gone...

...but the ol' ball and chain will be back soon, I hope.

More patterns, less moping, soon.

Friday 19 June 2009

Good news and bad

Bad news is...the Light of My Life, Heart of my Heart, Joy of My Desiring, returns home this weekend for about a month, or however long it takes to get a fiance visa these days. So, until then...
The 'good' news is; more time to blog, catch up with chores, and more importantly: stitch.

Would I rather have my spouse-to-be here, and less time to myself? Does Amy Winehouse have the Priory on speed-dial? Hopefully, teaching myself how to operate my new-to-me sewing machine will distract me enough until the inevitably emotional reunion.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

My New Logo...

For my as-yet-unstocked Etsy store. It needs text, and resizing as a banner, and then I'll put it up on this blog too.

Friday 12 June 2009

Serene or Just Asleep?

My first pattern; a slightly snoozy-looking Buddha.

Robes are saffron or orange, skin 'flesh', 'gold', or even blue as preferred, and outlines black.

Stitch count is 45 high by 38 wide.

Since it's all full cross stitches, and no backstitch, he might do just as well for needlepoint; 10 count canvas makes him just the right size for a small mala bag.

Shameless Self-Promotion

Welcome, Craft types, to my other blog; the one with the self-indulgence, where I pimp my in-progress Etsy store, show the indifferent world my works-in-progress, and occasionally chuck out a cross-stitch design or two.
